Part 1: Fairness Assessments July 14-18, 2025
Part 2: Workplace Restoration July 28-August 1, 2025
Noon - 4:30 pm EST/ 40 hours (Online)
10 Live Webinars. 2 Weeks. 8 CEE Points per Session. Prepare for the New Wave of Workplace Mediation. Updated with even more practical and effective content!
This advanced two-part seminar covers workplace assessments and restoration. We take a look at workplaces from a broad and proactive perspective. We provide you with three important workplace assessment models: Fairness Assessments, Health Assessments, and Violence and Harassment Risk Assessments. We use an experiential training approach that relies on your experiences to provide working examples for application in the course. We work in small groups throughout the course to provide you with an opportunity to apply the skills and tools you are learning in the course.
Blaine Donais
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- Understand how workplace culture and conflict work.
- Improve workplace health.
- Gain recognition from WFI and ADRIO.
- Learn how to turn around a workplace in crisis
Each session of this course will be synchronous and live. All group work will be done in Zoom break-out sessions with reports back to the plenary session. In almost all ways this course is intended to replicate the learning experience of the live in-person seminar.
Top 5 Reasons to Attend

Transform troubled workplaces with this practical formula

Understand how workplace culture and conflict works

Address new workplace health and safety laws

Improve workplace health

Guide your workforce to success with our innovative tool kit
Package Options
First Five Sessions:
Workplace Health Assessments
CAD $1,699 + HST
Discounts apply for our partner members.
Last Five Sessions:
Workplace Restorations
CAD $1,699 + HST
Discounts apply for our partner members.
all ten sessions
Full Package
CAD $2,999 + HST
Discounts apply for our partner members.
First 5 Sessions - Workplace Assessments
Session #1
Understanding Workplace Conflict and Culture
In this course we will introduce you to various kinds of assessments that can take place in the workplace setting. Our focus will be on assessments that are not necessarily related to specific incidents but are aimed at diagnosis of challenges in the workplace and also assessments that take a proactive approach.
Session #2
WFI Workplace Fairness Analysis
Here we introduce a model that we use to assess the cultural and organizational health of a workplace. We explore attribution theory,
conflict transformation theory and discuss how culture and conflict can be assessed in workplaces
Session #3
Implementing a Fairness Place into your Workplace
We introduce the WFI Workplace Fairness Analysis. We will show you how to identify systems for achieving fairness and managing conflict in the workplace. We Explore how conflict can be managed through fairness. We explore the relationship between trust and fairness in managing conflict.
Session #4
Workplace Health Assessment
We show you how to evaluate the fairness of your workplace using 21 measures related to Justice, Efficiency, Engagement and Resource Sufficiency. We explore how alternative approaches can improve the fairness of your workplace. We introduce our Testing Instrument for Fairness Systems. Here we also introduce a four-phase model for implementing a fairness plan into your workplace.
Session #5
Violence and Harassment Risk Assessments
Building on the first three sessions, we introduce a model and methodology for performing a Workplace Health Assessment. Here we show you how to use the National Standard on Psychological Health and Safety to assess the organizational health of your workplace and identify psychosocial risk factors related to psychological health
Last 5 Sessions - Workplace Restorations
Session #6
Preparing Yourself for Restorative Practice
While the assessment course is focussed primarily on proactive conflict management, the restoration course provides you with a model and tools to help manage the effects of toxic workplaces.
Session #7
The Elements of Workplace Restoration
We will help you as a practitioner, understand yourself: your biases, your approaches and your assumptions. This is crucial to being an effective workplace restoration practitioner.
Session #8
The WFI Workplace Restoration Model
We begin by exploring all the components of a workplace restoration. We will see where mediation, coaching, facilitation, training, leadership consulting and structural consulting fit within the principles and practice of workplace restoration.
Session #9
Restoration in Action
We introduce a 5-phase model that we use to restore workplaces and effect culture change within the troubled work groups. We will show how the different phases employ principles from mediation, coaching, training, and consulting.
Session #10
Articulating the Value Proposition
In small groups you will explore your subject workplaces and run one of them through a complete restoration process. This will give you a good idea of how the process works from beginning to end.
Blaine, a labour lawyer and member of the Law Society of Upper Canada since 1995, is an expert in both the practice and theory of assisted labour/management negotiation, mediation-arbitration and facilitation. He has the Chartered Mediator (C.MED.) designation from the ADR Institute of Canada, and is a Registered Practitioner of Dispute Resolution (RPDR) through the Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiations (CIIAN).Blaine trains Human Resources professionals, Labour leaders and others in Human Rights, Labour and Employment law, Human Resources, Collective Bargaining and Conflict Resolution. He is presently Adjunct Professor of Workplace Dispute Resolution at Atkinson College, York University, Toronto, and Adjunct Professor for the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources at the University of Toronto.