Workplace Training
Our fairness consultants are experienced negotiators, mediators and trainers in the workplace context. Our analysts can provide your organization with a cost-effective in-person training session that will meet your needs. We offer a range of training on the following subjects:
Resiliency Training
Resilience isn’t simply something we’re born with. It can be taught. Research shows that how we think about the adversity in our lives has a significant impact on our success, relationships, and productivity.
Respectful Workplace Training
We have developed a series of training modules that are designed to help organizations achieve respectful workplaces . We focus on experiential training and group chartering to achieve enduring culture change in line with the principles of dignity and respect. We also have a specialized Respectful Workplace Policy rollout training session that provides both a clear understanding of the laws and also practical exercises to bring the principles of your policy to life.
Diversity and Equity Training
Many of our analysts are well versed in equity, diversity and culturally sensitivity issues. We provide a broad range of service offering that help organizations. We are well versed in the understanding of unconscious bias and microaggression theory and are able to bring these concepts to light in a way that is respectful of all participants.
Psychological Health and Safety Implementation and Sensitivity Training
We have an in-depth review of existing systems that may be impacting respectful workplace behaviours and psychologically safe environments. Our consultative review consists of surveys, focus groups and interviews.We review the systems through 21 Fairness Measures and 13 Psychosocial Risk Factors as set out in the Psychological Health and Safety Standard. We also specialize in the implementation of the PH&S Standard.
Self-help Negotiation Training
One of the most effective conflict management options is self-help negotiation training for workplace participants. Our fairness consultants can run training programs for your employees and managers in any forum you choose, whether it be simple lunch time seminars or in-depth week long courses. We tailor the training to your particular workplace.
Peer Mediation Training
A great way to manage conflict early in the workplace is to train a workplace’s volunteers to be peer mediators. These mediators work with the disputants to help them resolve their conflict in an informal and comfortable environment. Our consultants can train your peer mediators to be effective conflict management agents in the workplace. Introductory training consists of a three day course followed by another three day course for intermediate training. Follow-up and refresher courses can also be offered.
Managerial Mediation Training
The most effective managers in the workplace are those with strong mediation skills. Our fairness consultants provide simple and efficient mediation training for managers. Introductory training consists of a three day course followed by another three day course for intermediate training. Follow-up and refresher courses can also be offered.
Difficult and Crucial Conversations Training
Our analysts specialize in the delivery of training to managers and employees about how to have respectful and productive conversations.