Bill C-65 Services

What is your Bill C-65 preparedness level?

Step-by-step training and consulting services to help you meet your Bill C-65 obligations related to Prevention, Response and Support

PREVENTION: Policy Development and Risk Factor Assessment

RESPONSE: Compliance and Implementation Training

SUPPORT: Leadership Preparation and Collaboration

Our Bill C-65 Team



Blaine, a labour lawyer and member of the Law Society of Upper Canada since 1995, is an expert in both the practice and theory of assisted labour/management negotiation, mediation-arbitration and facilitation.



Michelle is a practicing mediator who brings 20 years experience to the Workplace Fairness Institute as a professional engineer, energy management consultant, business owner, facilitator and property owner/manager. 

Angela A. Bradley

J.D., Q. MED.

Angela Bradley has over 20 years of experience practicing employment and labour law in the U.S. and Canada. Prior to acting as a workplace investigator and mediator in 2015, Angela practiced labour and employment law, and served in-house at a school board and a hospital.



Marie-Andrée has more than 30 years of experience in Human Resources, marked by a specialty in leading organizations through transition, team building, organizational development and training.


Blaine, a labour lawyer and member of the Law Society of Upper Canada since 1995, is an expert in both the practice and theory of assisted labour/management negotiation, mediation-arbitration and facilitation. He has the Chartered Mediator (C.MED.) designation from the ADR Institute of Canada, and is a Registered Practitioner of Dispute Resolution (RPDR) through the Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiations (CIIAN).Blaine trains Human Resources professionals, Labour leaders and others in Human Rights, Labour and Employment law, Human Resources, Collective Bargaining and Conflict Resolution. He is presently Adjunct Professor of Workplace Dispute Resolution at Atkinson College, York University, Toronto, and Adjunct Professor for the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Resources at the University of Toronto.


Michelle is a practicing mediator who brings 20 years experience to Workplace Fairness International as a professional engineer, energy management consultant, business owner, facilitator and property owner/manager. She has acted as a consultant for many government organizations including the federal government, provincial government, City of Calgary, and other public corporations (Honeywell, Siemens,etc). She has also assisted regional health authorities, school divisions and smaller municipalities across Canada.

Michelle is currently providing conflict resolution services to government, engineering, technical and other firms through mediation, conflict coaching, group and team facilitation, public consultation and conflict training. She is a member of the Court Roster for the Government of Alberta Civil Claims Mediation Program and a coach with the Mount Royal University Conflict Resolution Program.


Angela Bradley has over 20 years of experience practicing employment and labour law in the U.S. and Canada. Prior to acting as a workplace investigator and mediator in 2015, Angela practiced labour and employment law, and served in-house at a school board and a hospital. With expertise in trauma-informed practices, she currently investigates and mediates bullying, harassment and human rights allegations and develops respectful workplace policies and programs. Certificated in workplace investigation and Advanced Alternative Dispute Resolution, Angela has held senior leadership positions with ADRIO and the Ontario Bar Association.


Marie-Andrée has more than 30 years of experience in Human Resources, marked by a specialty in leading organizations through transition, team building, organizational development and training. Marie-Andrée has participated in the development of Harassment and Violence Prevention polices numerous times throughout her career. As head of human resources for various organizations, Marie-Andrée is well versed in Occupational Health and Safety committee structures and assessment processes.